How to Install Shoutcast Server on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

SHOUTcast is a free, open source and cross-platform software application that can be used to stream media over the Internet. SHOUTcast is specially used for creating or listening to Internet audio broadcasts. SHOUTcast allows us to broadcast a stream of music to the remote client connected to the server.

In this tutorial, we will learn how to install SHOUTcast media server on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.


  • A server running Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.
  • A static IP address is configured on your server.
  • root is setup on your server.

Install Shoutcast

First, you will need to download the latest version of the Shoutcast from their official website. You can download it with the following command:

cd ~

Once the download is completed, create a new directory in your home directory and extract the downloaded file inside it:

mkdir ~/shoutcast
cd ~/shoutcast
tar -xvzf sc_serv2_linux_x64-latest.tar.gz

Next, you will need to create a new configuration file for Shoutcast. You can do this with the following command:

nano sc_serv.conf

Add the following lines:

[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

Change the password and IP address as per your need.

Access Shoutcast

Shoutcast is now installed and configured, it’s time to start Shoutcast service and access its web interface.

Run the following command to start Shoutcast server:

./sc_serv &

You should see the followingoutput:

2018-05-30 17:37:03 INFO *********************************************************************
2018-05-30 17:37:03 INFO ** SHOUTcast Distributed Network Audio Server (DNAS) **
2018-05-30 17:37:03 INFO ** Copyright (C) 2014-2017 Radionomy SA, All Rights Reserved **
2018-05-30 17:37:03 INFO *********************************************************************
2018-05-30 17:37:03 INFO [MAIN] SHOUTcast DNAS/posix(linux x64) v2.5.5.733 (Oct 9 2017)
2018-05-30 17:37:03 INFO [MAIN] PID: 9383
2018-05-30 17:37:03 INFO [MAIN] Saving log output to `/home/administrator/shoutcast/logs/sc_serv.log’
2018-05-30 17:37:03 INFO [MAIN] Automatic log rotation interval: 1 day
2018-05-30 17:37:03 INFO [MAIN] Loaded config from `/home/administrator/shoutcast/sc_serv.conf’
2018-05-30 17:37:03 INFO [MAIN] Calculated CPU count is 2 -> using all available CPUs
2018-05-30 17:37:03 INFO [MAIN] Limited to 1024 file descriptors [relates to ulimit -n]2018-05-30 17:37:03 INFO [MAIN] Starting 2 network threads
2018-05-30 17:37:03 INFO [MICROSERVER] Listening for source and client connections on port 8000
2018-05-30 17:37:03 INFO [MICROSERVER] Listening for legacy source connections on port 8001
2018-05-30 17:37:03 INFO [MICROSERVER] Flash policy file server not enabled

Once the server is started, open your web browser and type the URL, you will be redirected to the following page:

Shoutcast stream summary

Now, click on Server Login button, you should see the Shoutcast login page as below:

Login to shoutcast server

Here, provide your admin username and password which you have specified in the configuration file, then click on the Ok button, you should see the Shoutcast dashboard in the following page:

Shoutcast server management console

Congratulations! you have successfully installed Shoutcast server in Ubuntu 18.04 LTS server.

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