How to install Nextcloud integrated with ONLYOFFICE using Univention Virtual Appliance

ONLYOFFICE is an open source solution distributed under GNU AGPL v3.0. It comprises online editors for texts, spreadsheets and presentations fully compatible with Office Open XML formats (.docx, .xlsx, .pptx), as well as enables collaborative document editing.

Nextcloud is an open source file exchange and content collaboration platform. ONLYOFFICE integrated into Nextcloud allows users to co-edit their documents simultaneously right within Nextcloud.

If you are a Nextcloud user already, you can integrate it with ONLYOFFICE online editors following this tutorial. If you are new to Nextcloud, you can install already integrated solutions all at once using app appliance from Univention Corporate Server.

To learn more about Univention virtual appliances (and in case you are a ownCloud user and would like to get ONLYOFFICE in combination with ownCloud), see the previous guide.

Step 1. Download the necessary components

Download and install the hypervisor for the virtual machine: VirtualBox or VMware Workstation Player.

Download ONLYOFFICE-Nexctloud VM for the chosen hypervisor. 4 options are available:

  • VMware Image;
  • VMware ESX Image;
  • VirtualBox Image;
  • KVM Image.

Step 2. Import the appliance

Open the hypervisor and import the ONLYOFFICE-Nextcloud virtual appliance. The required steps are different depending on the installed hypervisor.

Step 3. Install the application

Start the Virtual Machine with ONLYOFFICE and UCS, going through the booting process via the installation wizard.

Step 4. Localize your system

Enter the nearest city to adjust the correct timezone, system language, keyboard layouts, etc.

Localize your system

Step 5. Configure domain and network

Specify IP addresses manually, or choose the automatic option.
Enter the address of the DNS server where the system will be hosted.

Configure domain and network

Step 6. Set up your domain

Create the new domain directory, selecting the option Manage users and permissions directly on this system.

Set up your domain

Step 7. Enter admin account information

Fill in your company name, admin email address to activate ONLYOFFICE Document Server and Nextcloud Appliance, and create a new password.

Enter admin account information

Step 8. Specify host settings

Specify the full domain name for the system and the LDAP base.

Specify host settings

Step 9. Confirm configuration settings

Review your settings and make sure everything is filled out correctly. Click the CONFIGURE SYSTEM button.

Confirm configuration settings

Once configured, start your new ONLYOFFICE-Nextcloud system in the UCS platform.

Setup successful

how to install nextcloud integrated with onlyoffice using univention virtual appliance

Therefore, the apps work out of the box, and all the elements are auto-configured making sure everything works properly without manual steps on the part of the administrator.

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